Daniel Guerin (1904-1988)
As a youth, Guerin was attracted to the radical movement,
and was won over to revolutionary socialism as espoused by
Leon Trotsky.
As a member of the Trotskyist movement, he wrote
Fascism and Big Business,
one of the premier texts in the always-pugnacious battle over that term's
definition. Like
Victor Serge, as Guerin grew older, his politics
moved increasingly leftward, leading him later in life to espouse a hybrid
of anarchism and marxism. Arguably, his most important book from this period
of his life is
Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, which includes an
introduction by Noam Chomsky. Extremely prolific in French, it's
unfortunate that, outside of the books above and a few small pamphlets, most
of this thinker's original and stimulating material is unavailable in
English (a pamphlet,
"Libertarian Marxism?", which includes two
singular essays, is also available in English at this time). (Bio by Chris